Expanding Opportunities: Amazon FBA’s Distribution in Europe and Turkey

Opening Doors to Global Markets

At Altuntas Trading Company, we are thrilled to announce an exciting partnership with Amazon’s FBA that allows us to expand our export and distribution reach. With Amazon FBA now delivering to over 50 countries in Europe, including the recent addition of Turkey, the possibilities for our clients have never been greater.

Amazon’s FBA has experienced tremendous success in Europe, with its distribution expansion accounting for an impressive 17% of its total sales from last year. This growth speaks volumes about the increasing demand for international products and the effectiveness of Amazon’s distribution network.

Seizing the European Market

For businesses looking to tap into the European market, partnering with Amazon’s FBA is a game-changer. The reach and efficiency of Amazon’s distribution network mean that your products can now reach customers in Europe faster and more reliably than ever before.

With the recent addition of Turkey to Amazon FBA’s delivery network, the opportunities for expansion have multiplied. Turkey, a booming market with a population of over 80 million people, offers immense potential for businesses looking to establish a presence in the region. By leveraging Amazon’s FBA, companies can now seamlessly connect with Turkish customers and capitalize on this growing market.

Unlocking Growth and Success

By partnering with Altuntas Trading Company and Amazon’s FBA, businesses can unlock a world of opportunities. Whether you are an established brand or a small business looking to expand globally, our partnership provides you with the tools and resources needed to succeed.

With our expertise in export and distribution, combined with Amazon’s trusted reputation and efficient delivery network, we can help you reach new markets, attract more customers, and drive sales growth. The convenience and reliability of Amazon’s FBA make it a win-win situation for both businesses and customers alike.


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